

Database Hacking, Penetration Testing, Website Hacking

How to set up SQLI Lab

Hello everyone, today we’ll be learning how to setup Dhakkan lab (one of the best labs I have seen for practising and understanding SQL INJECTION) in our latest Ubuntu Machine.

A laboratory that offers a complete test environment for those interested in acquiring or improving SQL injection skills. Let’s start. First, we will download SQLI lab inside html directory by the following link-

git clone

Once the download is done, we will move sqli labs into the /var/www/html directory and rename it to sqli. Then go inside the sqli directory where we will find /sqli-connections directory. Here we will run ls command to check the files and we can see that here is a file by the name of

we need to make some changes in the config file by the following command-

cd Sqli_Edited_Version/
mv sqlilabs/ ../sqli
cd sqli
cd sql-connections/

As we can see that username is given root and password is left blank which we need to modify.

Now here we will set the username and password as raj:123 Now save the file and exit.

Now browse this web application from through this URL: localhost/sqli and click on Setup/reset Databases for labs.

Now the sqli lab is ready to use.

Now a page will open up in your browser which is an indication that we can access different kinds of Sqli challenges

Click on lesson 1 and start the Sqli challenge.

Author – Rinkish Khera is a Web Application security consultant who loves competitive coding, hacking and learning new things about technology. Contact Here